Complaint conditions


This document is an integral part of the general terms and conditions


You can only complain about goods that were purchased from us and that are your property.

All offered goods are covered by a 24-month warranty.

The warranty period begins on the day of receipt of the goods from the transport company.

You are obliged to file a complaint with us immediately after discovering the defect.

Liability for defects does not extend to defects caused by mechanical damage to the product and improper handling of the product. Liability for defects also does not extend to normal wear and tear of the goods caused using the goods.

Claimed goods must be sent to our address listed below. A copy of the proof of purchase (invoice) and a description of the defect must be attached to the goods.

We will confirm receipt of the claim by e-mail. The day of its delivery to our address is considered the day of application of the claim. If it is not possible to deliver the confirmation immediately, it must be delivered without unnecessary delay, but at the latest together with the document on the processing of the claim. Confirmation of the processing of the claim will be sent to you by e-mail.

We are obliged to determine the method of processing the claim immediately, in complex cases within 3 days from the date of application of the claim. In justified cases, no later than 30 days from the date of application of the claim. After determining the method of processing the claim, we will process the claim immediately, in justified cases, the claim can be processed later. However, processing of the claim must not take longer than 30 days from the date of application of the claim. After the expiry of the 30-day period for processing the complaint, you have the right to withdraw from the purchase contract and the full amount for the goods will be returned to you or you have the right to exchange the goods for a new one.

Your rights when applying for a claim:

• if it is a defect that can be removed, you have the right to have it removed free of charge, in a timely and proper manner, while this defect must be removed without unnecessary delay,

• instead of removing the defect, you can request an exchange of goods

• if it is a defect that cannot be removed and which prevents the proper use of the goods, you have the right to exchange the goods or withdraw from the contract. You have the same right in the event that, although it is a defect that can be removed, you cannot properly use the goods due to the reappearance of the defect after repair or due to a larger number of defects

A complaint is considered settled if the complaint procedure ends with the delivery of the claimed goods, its exchange or return of the purchase price of the goods, a written invitation to take over performance or its justified rejection. You will be informed about the outcome of the complaint procedure within the statutory period.

These complaint conditions are an integral part of the general terms and conditions, and we reserve the right to change them at any time, even without prior notice.

Contact information: AFINES GROUP j.s.a., ID: 51 675 315, Kvetná 1506/C, 900 41 Rovinka, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava III, Section Sja, Insert number 45/B, email:, mobile: +421 908 091 390